We are the very last word in custom - blended spells and potions for your every need.  Prices vary depending on the price of ingredients, time to blend, and complexity of the spell required.  YOU WILL NEVER BE CHARGED FOR THE BASE MATERIAL(oil, water, sea salt) unless it is different than the usual bases.  In such a case a price will be agreed upon BEFORE any agreement to create a spell takes place or any money exchanges hands.  Each potion is then hand-blended and sent US mail in an attractive bottle.  We don't judge your situation, but we do need some background information in order to fulfill your needs.  Please access the information on the "Contact Us" page in order to start the process.


Basic Price List:

  • Potions requiring 2 - 3 ingredients:  1-3oz = $4.00 US, 4-5oz = $6.00 US, 6-8oz = $9.00 US
  • Potions requiring 4 - 5 ingredients:  1-3oz = $5.00 US, 4-5oz = $8.00 US, 6-8oz = $11.00 US
  • Potions requiring 6 - 8 ingredients:  4-5oz = $10.00 US, 6-8oz = $14.00 US
  • Any amount larger than this will be negotiated at time of sale.

      I do not make anything that is meant for human or animal consumption.  I do not have a medical degree or any other degree that allows me to dispense medicine of any kind.  The bases for any products I produce include but are not limited to: almond oil, olive oil, sea salt, or spring water.  Any allergies to such products must be evaluated in advance of payment and production.

                                                               For novelty purposes only.  I make no guarantees.

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